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Digital Tutors - Animating Realistic Eyes in Maya 2012
Time : 0h 42m | Size : 209 MB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Maya 2012
با سلام
در این آموزش Delano Athias شما را با تکنیک ها و راهنمایی های متقاعد کننده ای جهت متحرک سازی چشم در نرم افزار Maya آشنا میکند. او نحوه انیمیت احساسات و افکار شخصیت را از طریق الگوهای چشم شبیه سازی میکند.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
This high-level series of tutorials was designed to provide you with techniques and tips for convincingly animating eyes in Maya. In this series of tutorials, our objectives include understanding a character's emotions and thoughts through their eye patterns. We'll cover techniques and workflows for animating believable eye jitters and eye darts. We'll dissect various eye animations and discuss WHY they move a certain way. Overall, we'll learn how to animate the eyes and brows to feel organic and life-like.