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fxphd - Advanced PFTrack - 3D Tracking Masochism
Software Version : PFTrack 2012
با سلام
در این آموزش Victor Wolansky بروی عکس های پیچیده، شات های راه دور و تصاویری که خواب را از شما میگیرد تمرکز دارد. او با استفاده از توانایی و تجربه ای که دارد نحوه Track کردن را به صورت حرفه ای به شما آموزش میدهد.
جزئیات هر درس را میتوانید ار توضیحات انگلیسی مشاهده نمایید.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
In this advanced PFTrack course, the focus is on complex shots, long shots, and those shots that make you lose your sleep. fxphd favorite Victor Wolansky will also be focusing on the critical details and skills that can take your tracking ability to the next level and really stand out in your job. We'll be covering workflows for extremely distorted footage from EPIC shoots in 5K. Wolanksy will be using user survey info to solve shots which are in other ways impossible to solve. This will include extracting information from an exclusive fxphd LIDAR shoot and scan, perfectly matching cameras to the scan. Wolansky will also cover the tracking of objects in scenes. The course will also naturally cover all the beauty and complexity now possible with the nodes and trees available inPFTrack. This brings a power never-before seen in 3D tracking, with almost infinite combinations to adapt to the artist's needs. Wolansky started working in postproduction 20 years agoandhellip; in Argentina, about 12 years ago and discovered what was 3D tracking, and since then he was unable to stop tracking shots, even if just for fun. He discovered that was the most fundamental skill needed to master in order to do anything on any shot. "All starts by a 3D tracking right? If you donandrsquo;t have a 3D tracking," says Wolansky, "you can't put the CG in there. right?" Postproduction took him from Argentina to Chile in 2000 and to the US in 2005 where he has worked at E3 post since then.
course syllabus
Class 1: Use of survey data to solve the motion of a totally flat object.
Class 2: Tracking of a very long shot, Part 1. How to deal with the accumulated error product of long shots, including creative ways to solve these problems using nodes.
Class 3: A long shot and problems related to error accumulation. Tips and tricks to get the perfect track.
Class 4: A long shot and problems related to error accumulation. Tips and tricks to get the perfect track. Part 2.
Class 5: Anamorphic shot, lens distortion, manual tracking, multiple possible solutions caused by moving objects by wind and very few usable tracking points.
Class 6: Anamorphic shot, lens distortion, manual tracking, multiple possible solutions caused by moving objects by wind and very few usable tracking points. Part II.
Class 7: Object tracking and the Target Tracker.
Class 8: Zoom nightmare.
Class 9: LIDAR - part 1
Class 10: LIDAR - part 2