این آموزش به درخواست MH3D12 در سایت قرار گرفته است.
Gnomon Master Class Sze Jones - Digital Female Character Design
English | FLV | VP6f | 1024x640 | MPEG Audio Layer | 181 minutes | 1.39Gb
در این آموزش مدرس نحوه ساخت یک زن دیجیتالی را به شما آموزش می دهد. در این آموزش تکنیک ها و نکاتی را به شما آموزش می دهد که به شما این امکان را می دهند به راحتی یک زن دیجیتال را ایجاد کنید. همچنین در این آموزش در مورد نحوه ساخت توپولوژی برای انیمیشن و تغییر حالت صورت صحبت خواهد کرد. او در این کار از نرم افزار های فوتوشاپ ، 3ds Max ، زیبراش و بادی پینت استفاده خواهد کرد. در این درسها همچنین در مورد شیدر پوست منتال ری و مو صحبت خواهید نمود.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
Szestarted art, dance and music training at early childhood. At age 16 shewas sent aboard to further her education. Sze felt in love withcomputer graphics since it integrated art, music and movements in onemedium. She graduated with Master of Arts Degree in Computer Animation.Shortly after graduation, she began to work in the industry as acharacter modeler at a local game company. A year later she was working as a charactermodeler/designer at a 3D online content creation company, ViewpointCorporation. Currently, she has been working for Blur Studio for her 8years. Her roles at Blur Studio include maintaining and managing thecharacter modeling pipeline, facial expression, hair setup, artisticdirection and specializing in female heroine creation. Some of her heroines can be found in: -Star Wars: The Old Republic E3 2009 Trailer: Bounty Hunters Head and Twilek -Warhammer the Age of Reckoning: Dark Elf -Sorceress Halo Wars Cinematic: Sabrinas Head and Ander -Prototype Intro Cinematic: Secretary -TombRaider Underworld E3 2008Trailer : Lara Croft -Conan E3 2007 Cinematic Trailer: Keaira -Hellgate London: Avalon - Female Templar, Emmera and Cabalis -Blurs Short: Gentlemens Duel: Adelin -Aeon Flux game cinematic: Aeon -Empire Earth III: Viral Carrier and Bowman -Clive Barkers Jerichos game trailer: Lt. Abigail Black -Blood Rayne 2 game cinematic: Rayne and Ephemara -Everquest 2 Intro Cinematic: Antonia Bayle, Dark Elf Thisworkshop will cover artistic and technical techniques and approaches tomaking a digital female character. Emphasis will be on how to bringlife, attitude and personality to the female creations. Detail topologyplanning and knowledge for production will be discussed for effectivefacial deformation and animation. Personal work flow for fastturnaround time with Photoshop, 3ds Max, Softimage, Zbrush and BodyPaint3D will be shared. Lectures include Mental Ray skin shader and hairsetup for realistic and stylized characters using various techniques.