Cinema 4D Tutorial.Net - Hair Tutorial
237MB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Cinema 4D
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هنر ساخت و شبیه سازی مو حیوانات در کامپیوتر یک فرآیند بسیار پیچیده است، اما در Cinema 4D بسیار ساده است، در این آموزش شما به طور کامل فرایند ساخت مو را با استفاده از ماژول مو خواهید آموخت.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
The art of hair to put animals in computer is a very complex process, but in cinema 4 d is very simple, in this tutorial you will learn completely the hair module.Ever wanted create fantastic animals such as tigers, bears, and on this occasion a squirrel, It is very common to see in films.The effect of hair can also be introduced to people and objects.You need to do is check if you have the hair module with your cinema 4d