CGWorkshops - Animating Creatures for Games
Time : 3 Week | Size : 1.17 GB | Project Files: None | Software used: Autodesk Maya
با سلام
داشتن درک درستی از طیف گسترده ای از موجودات یکی از دانستنی های مهم در سایت بازی های ویدیویی میباشد. دانستن چگونگی رویکرد موجودات مختلف کلیدی موثر و موفقیت امیز در انیمیت سریع آنها میباشد.
در طی این دوره آموزشی، Kyle Kenworthy در هر هفته نحوه انیمیت یک حیوان را در نرم افزار Maya آموزش میدهد. او با استفاده از تکنیک های مختلف نشان می دهد که چگونه به گردش کار خود سرعت بخشید و همچنین موجودات مختلف را به روش ها و رویکرد های مختلف،سریع و جذاب برای انیمیشن و بازی های ویدیویی انیمیت نمود.
این آموزش دارای 3 خفته میباشد که Kyle در هفته اول کاراکتر یک سگ، در هفته دوم کاراکتر یک عنکبوت و در هفته سوم کاراکتر یک دایناسور را انیمیت میکند.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
Working in video games requires you to have an understanding of a wide variety of creatures. Knowing how to approach different creatures and animate them quickly and efficiently is key to success.
In this 3 week course Kyle will demonstrate how to animate various game animations on 3 different creatures: a dog, spider, and dinosaur (Albertosaurus) You'll learn how to gather and analyze reference to better understand their locomotion and behaviour. And how to use/exaggerate that reference to create game animations. Kyle will demonstrate various techniques to speed up your workflow and how you can approach different creatures in different ways to create quick, appealing video game animations.
5-andshy;12 hours of video lessons each week will go over step by step how Kyle creates animations for each of these creatures. The entire process will be shown, no editing or jump cuts through the process. Outside of the video lessons, the course will require about 6andshy;-15 hours per week to work on assignments (depending on skill level).
Each week there will be a 2 hr live QandA where Kyle will critique assignments and answer questions. There will also be a dedicated forum for you to post your progress, ask questions, and get daily feedback from Kyle.
This is an intermediate entry level workshop. Students should have a basic understanding of Maya and the fundamentals of animation.
What You Will Learn
In this CGWorkshops you'll learn how to gather and analyze reference to better understand their locomotion and behaviour. And how to use/exaggerate that reference to create game animations. Kyle will demonstrate various techniques to speed up your workflow and how you can approach different creatures in different ways to create quick, appealing video game animations.
Week 1
Lesson: Dog
● Animals In Games ● Gathering Video Reference ● Analyzing Reference ● Animating Quadruped Walk ● Animating Quadruped Trot ● Animating Quadruped Run ● Using Layers to add flavor to Cycle
Assignment: Dog, following along with the videos and animate 1 of the following: walk, trot, or run cycle
Week 2
Lesson: Spider
● Understanding Arachnids ● Arachnid Movement Analysis ● Exaggerating Movement ● Animating Spider Walk ● Animating Spider Moving Through Environment ● Animating Spider Attack
Assignment: Spider, following along with the videos and animate 1 of the following: walk cycle or attack.
Week 3
Lesson: Dinosaur
● Coming Up With Behavior ● Using Multiple Animals for Reference ● Understanding Video Game Idles ● Animating Dinosaur Walk Cycle ● Animating Dinosaur Standing Idle ● Animating Dinosaur Jump
Assignment: Dinosaur, following along with the videos and animate 1 of the following: walk cycle, standing idle, or jump.
Basic knowledge of Maya and Animation
Maya 2010 or later
Quicktime Pro or video editing software for converting playblasts to h.264 and converting videos to image sequences to be imported into Maya (premiere, after effects, etc)
Dropbox account (or similar service for uploading videos)
* Newer versions of the above software are also acceptable.
Time Requirements
6 - 15 hours of independantstudy for assignments, depending on skill level.