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CGCookie - Getting Started in Digital Art
Size : 180 MB | Project Files: Included | Software Used : Photoshop
با سلام
در این آموزش Tim Von Rueden نحوه شروع به کار با هنر های دیجیتال را در نرم افزار Photoshop آموزش میدهد. او به معرفی ابزارها، تکنیک ها، تنظیمات و ... مورد نیاز جهت استفاده در طرح های دیجیتال را آموزش میدهد.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
Itandrsquo;s finally here! The Getting Started in Digital Art has arrived and is ready for the viewing. In this course, Tim Von Rueden takes a look at the first steps to begin understanding digital art! The entire course is less than a hour long and is a crash course for becoming more familiar with the basics of digital art from the technical side of setting up, installing, and locating options, to more artsy perspectives on lighting, color, and material basics. Every tutorial has a corresponding handout sheet that is a quick references guide for what is talked about in the tutorial.
This course was meant to help both beginners just picking up a tablet for the first time or for someone that wants to pick up some tips or reminders on working in digital art. From here you should feel you have a basic understanding of digital art and remember to put this concepts into practice! You canandrsquo;t learn drawing if you donandrsquo;t practice drawing yourself