Digital Tutors - Creating Collectible Items for 2D Games in Unity
Intermediate | 49m 33s | 222 MB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Unity 4.3
در این آموزش نحوه ساخت آیتم های قابل جمع آوری در بازی 2 بعدی را مانند پول در نرم افزار Unity خواهید آموخت.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
In this series of tutorials we will learn how to create a coin collection system that will update the UI and reward the player for finding all of the coins.To get started we'll learn how to properly set up our coins in order to collide with the player. Then we'll create a script that keeps track of how many coins we've collected and how to update the UI for the player. After that, we'll learn how to properly create a UI system that will update the proper data.To wrap up the training, we'll learn how to reward the player with an extra life once they've collected all of the coins.