![آموزش ساخت یک بازی سه بعدی Galaga در یونیتی]()
در این دوره شما می آموزید که چگونه یک بازی سه بعدی تیرانداز فضایی مانند بازی شگفت انگیز Galaga در برنامه Unity ایجاد کنید. این مفهوم مبتنی بر رفتارهای مختلفی است که کشتی فضایی دشمن می تواند در آن باشد. این دوره یک دوره میانی است. اگر مبتدی باشید، ممکن است در پیگیری مشکلی داشته باشید، اما فیلم ها دوره کامل شما را راهنمایی می کنند. فراموش نکنید که اگر چیزهایی را تکرار کنید و به یادگیری ادامه دهید، بهتر می شوید! در پایان این دوره یک بازی کاملاً کاربردی Galaga Style 3D را می سازید.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
In this Course you’ll learn how to create a Space Shooter like the amazing Galaga in Unity Game Engine. The concept is based on different behaviors the Enemy Space Ship can be in.
This course is an Intermediate course, so if you have trouble in any case, write me a message or Q&A, and i’ll help as best as i can.
If you are beginner, you might have some trouble to follow, but the videos will guide you through the complete course. Don’t forget you only become better if you repeat things and keep on learning!
So we create several Systems which will give us enough freedom to:
C# (Monodevelop)
create our own Pathes the enemies can fly on
create our own Formation system where the enemies go into for their typical left/right movement
create our own diving system to randomize enemies flying around
create our touch/click & and hold movement for the Player and shoot meanwhile holding
Unity (2018.2)
managing our systems and make them multifunctional
creating Space Particles like for Stars & Mist
using Trails to make nice visuals for the Space Ships
creating Particle Explosions
creating a Start and GameOver Scene and of course 1 Game Scene
Course Material
I provide the following Material with the Course:
4 different Space Ships (3 Enemys, 1 Player) as *.fbx
1 Star and 1 Cloud Texture as *.png
You have to write the code on your own, i do not provide the final scripts!
All other graphics for Menu’s, Icons, Images or Buttons need to be created on your own.
All Materials i provide are for education only and should not be in your final release!
In the end of this course you will have a fully functional Galaga Style 3D Game.
Let’s make your dream game a reality!!
Level: Intermediate
Video Course Length: ~10.5 hours
Unity Version required: 5.3+