Digital Tutors - Realistic Game Character Texturing in Substance Painter
5h 22m | 7.28 GB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Substance Painter
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در این آموزش Joshua Kinney در نرم افزار Substancer Painter به صورت گام به گام به ساخت بافت برای کاراکتر بازی میپردازد. در ابتدا او موارد مورد نیاز جهت ساخت بافت را مورد بررسی قرار میدهد، سپس کار ساخت بافت واقعگرایانه را از آغاز شروع میکند.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
In this series of Substance Painter tutorials, we'll texture a game character step by step using Substance Painter. To begin, we'll learn how to properly bake out the maps needed to work efficiently in Substance Painter. Then we'll begin the process of painting realistic character skin from scratch. Here we'll discuss how to add, mix and blend skin tones for a more realistic result. Once the head is finished we'll jump into texturing the body. Here we'll talk about different types of cloth and how to utilize layers to add to the depth of our textures in a non-destructive way. Then we'll start to wrap up this Substance Painter training by learning how to paint hair and how to export our maps to apply to our final game character.