Digital tutors - Designing a Game Boss in Photoshop
Time : 3h 09min | Size : 2.01 | Project files : included | Software used : Photoshop
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در این دوره آموزشی نرم افزار Adobe Photoshop ، مدرس به آموزش ابزار ها و تکنیک های قابل استفاده در طراحی غول برای بازی ها ، میپردازد . او با مشخص کردن یک Road map یا نقشه مراحل کار برای غول بازی ، بحث در مورد داستان ، محیط و ... شروع کرده ، سپس به طراحی طرح مفهومی خواهد پرداخت .
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
In this Photoshop tutorial, members will learn the tools and a technique that can be used to take your idea for a game boss and realize it in a piece of concept art.We'll get started by establishing a road map for our game boss where we'll talk about the story, the environment as well as the approach we'll be taking. From here we'll begin sketching our concept using a loose, gestural approach. We'll continue adding to our sketch until we are satisfied, and ready to render out the shadows and highlights using grayscale values. Once the forms of our creature have been properly realized using only shades of gray, we will begin applying color to our concept. We'll wrap up this tutorial by adding a few finishing touches to our image. After completing this training, you'll be familiar with the tools, techniques and workflows that can be used to create your own concept art for a worthy game boss.